Sunday, March 30, 2008

American West

American West
The western United States includes 13 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada ,New Mexico, Oregon, Wyoming Washington and Utah.
The American West, its context and its connections, continues to be a challenging and exciting theme in American Studies in twenty-first century .
There are two approaches toward American west: some historians and observers like Frederick Jackson Turner emphasized on abundance of free land and prosperity which led to a rapidly developing nation. Others have alterative propositions about the west and are not that much positive. Revisiting the west involves a journey into historiography of the frontier and the west.
From American frontier to American West
Turner’s thesis is based on the idea of existence of an area of what he called "Free Land". This land provided material foundation which enabled millions of people to build United States into wealthy and democratic nation visible at the end of 19 century.
Such frontier trait became American trait and frontier experience was transmitted both geographically across space and historically through time. Though he faced much criticism but he was persistence in his efforts and he made a Turnerian school of history.
Another reaction toward the west emerged in 1930s when serious economical difficulties produced criticism based on scarcity and misuse of resources. The critics believed too much had been attributed to west.
The New West became a colonial area exploited by outside capitalist this west was distinctive for its disappointment and failure. Too many people of color suffered from white invasion. The west was no longer considered to be democratic but distinctly inegaliterian.

The Land and its Ownership
Traditionally Native Americans were considered to use resources inefficiently, and farming irregularly with primitive tools. Newcomers though that they had the right to take the land and use it more productively for the benefit of themselves. They deemed native people to be incompetent.
Leading Americans agreed that the ex-colonist, now states, should form a national entity and they successfully negotiated that the 7 of the original 13 states claiming lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains should yield the title to the federal government.
President Jefferson, intellectual father of expansionism, bought Louisiana from French thereby securing the navigation rights to the Mississippi River and preventing western rebellion.
The purchase of Alaska in 1867 and occupation of Hawaii in 1898 expanded the territories of the United States. Academics discussed that whether this process should be called "Manifest Destiny" or continental imperialism.
The way that western lands were governed was established by Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which was a three-stage political process, enabling settlers to move from subordinate territories to full statehood.
There were major inequities in land disposal policies

Developing Western Resources
Improvement in transport technology and agricultural machinery accelerated production.
Land usage in west was rapid and productive.
Trade and earning were the mechanisms that drove most of the farmers into commercial production and encouraged rapid agricultural development of United States.
Western residents also misused other resources namely forests, fish, animals and minerals.
This process of changing western land into an agrarian empire has been perceived as either as a success or as a danger and disaster for both human and environment.
Native Americans used these resources but either because they respected the lives of others ad the nature or limited access to the weapons, their impact on nature was negligible.
Mining of precious metals such as gold and silver mobilized thousands newcomers.

Peoples and Communities of the American West
American west is a cosmopolitan region with diverse communities and cultures.
Native Americans were the lawful inhabitants of the west whose rights have been exploited by invaders.
New trading patterns and contact with Europeans resulted in ethnic diversity, armed instability and increasing dependency of native people on trade goods.
For many Americans removing natives from western lands became a national agenda and in 1830s it became an official removal policy.
Of other antecedent resident, mestizo, Métis and mulattos are little known. They were mixed native groups, who lived in Northern Province of an independent nation. Most of them were mostly farm workers.
African Americans added a further ethno-racial component. The relatively modest number of African Americans in the west suggests that racism was prevalent in the west.
East Asian immigrants, mostly Chinese were another ethnic group who had no opportunity to integrate into western life.
Another group of residents were whites who were generally labeled as Anglo-Americans, but there was a significant economic, social and cultural difference among them.
The American West comprises the history, myth, legends, stories and beliefs and cultural meanings that collected around the.
Historians approach toward the west and the knowledge about it was based on either myth or reality. For them myth consisted of emotional hazy ideas or beliefs while the history or the real past was a rational enactment of facts. Western United States in 19 century.
So it was essential it "deconstruct" narratives earlier, which were considered to be factual to uncover assumptions within which they were created and to reveal the more complicated truth about their costume written or pictorial information was brought by explorers and travelers which provided a range of stories that encouraged immigration to these places.
The portrayals of the west continued to twentieth century, both popular and intellectually respectable. Holly Wood Westerns contributed most in creating a romantic vision of the west.
Though the attraction declined during the Vietnam war, but it came back with introduction of documentaries. Literature again played an important role, with writers such as Zane Grey and Max Brand.
One's perception about the west is not free from emphasize selectivity and cultural filtering and depends on his or her own state of mind.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Role of Israeli Lobby in US presidential Elections

The Role of Israeli Lobby in U.S. Presidential Election

"Bill, I think you're going to be President someday. I think you'll do a good job, but there's one thing above all you must remember: God will never forgive you if you don't stand by Israel."
Paster W.O.Vaught to Bill Clinton (Clinton, 2004:353)

Never in the time that I led the American negotiations on the Middle East peace process did we take a step because 'the lobby' wanted us to. Nor did we shy away from one because 'the lobby' opposed it. That is not to say that AIPAC and others have no influence. They do. But they don't distort U.S. policy or undermine American interests. (Denis B. Ross former U.S. ambassador and peace negotiator under Bill Clinton.)
While most of the countries of the world - at least apparently -are demanding Israel to change and revise its policies toward Palestine and withdrew from occupied territories, United States still supports Israel strongly. For decades US government has provided Israel with military, financial and diplomatic supports; and both major parties of United States, Republicans and Democrats, unquestionably support Israel. America supports Israel despite the great expanses that this backing imposes on America and Americans.
This excessive support is backed and forced by the exercise of influence of Israeli lobby in America. Israeli and Jewish lobby are very influential in Americans foreign policy and this influence becomes clearer when it is compared to other ethnic minorities in U.S. such as Arab Lobbies or Armenians. Perhaps three important factors can explain the reason of this unconditional support: Israel's strategic value, Jewish economic influence and power in various arenas including US presidential election, and the emergence of Evangelical and Christian Zionism.
Many books and articles are written about the influence of Jewish and Israeli lobbyist in the process of American decision making. While some observers believe that Jews play a very important role in American policy, others maintain that this influence is exaggerated. This is the case in the issue of U.S. presidential election: some observers argue that the U.S. presidents have to give special interest after their election due to the financial helps they receive from Jewish contributors in their presidential campaigns; also Jews have a high rate of turnout in presidential election compared to non-Jew Americans. Others believe that the amount of Jew's financial contribution is not that much significant, on the other hand Jews make only 3 percent of American population.
The question is that is Jew's financial contribution in form of campaign donation, and high rate of turn out the only reason for the U.S. president's support for Israel or as it was mentioned there are other reasons responsible for this unconditional support.
The theory used in this paper is political theory of Pluralism; based on this theory the political power in the society is not limited to the governments, the electorate or a small group of elite, but it is distributed among a wide number of groups including interested groups- here Israeli lobby which plays an important role in American foreign policy as the most influential minority group in the U.S. This concept versus the idea that the power is mostly concentrated in the governments.
The method of this research is content analysis: the research tries to clarify the point and illustrate this relationship with providing some data and statistics about the amount of Jew's financial contribution to the process of presidential election, as well as some extracts of Clinton and Bush speeches which is addressed to support this influential ethnic group. The method of data collection is use of books and primary documents (speeches) and the internet.

U.S Presidential Candidates and Support for Israel
In U.S. presidential campaigns all the candidates, no matter whether they are Republican or Democrats, have one commonality and a subject that they all agree, at least publicly, and that is U.S. relation and support of Israel. Though there is a controversy about extend of the support in major parties (Republicans and Democrats); some believe that Democrats are more intense in their support of Israel, others argue that Evangelical Christians who vote heavily for Republicans are stronger in their support for Israel. Nevertheless American Jews vote more to democratic candidates, and it is said that only 25% of Jews voted for George Bush in 2004. This table shows the relationship between party affiliation and religious identification:
As the table suggest the Jews tend to be more democrats than republican.
Nevertheless the republicans, and in this case George Bush defends Israel and its policies. in his speech addressed to American Jewish committee in may 2001 he said that his top foreign policy priority is the safety and security of Israel, and that his administration would support Israel against terrorism and violence steadfastly:
"By defending the freedom and prosperity and security of Israel, you're also serving the cause of America. Our nation is stronger and safer because we have a true and dependable ally in Israel" (Bush’s Address to the AIPAC Policy Conference, May 8, 2004)
George W. Bush made his first trip to Israel before deciding to run for Presidential campaigns.
Bill Clinton nominated two Supreme Court Justices, both Jewish. In his first term, he had two Jewish Cabinet members and dozens of Jews held other key Administration posts. Clinton's reply after Israeli Ambassador Shoval presented his credentials. In September 10, 1998 he said that America and Israel share special bond and that American and Israeli relation are unique: "Like America, Israel is a strong democracy, as a symbol of freedom, and an oasis of liberty, a home to the oppressed and persecuted." (September 10, 1998).
After his presidency, Clinton at a Jewish fund-raiser in Toronto said that: If Iraq came across the Jordan River, I would grab a rifle and get in the trench and fight and die." It is while Clinton had avoided serving in Vietnam. In 1995 when all 14 members of U.N. Security Council called on Israel to rescind a decision to expropriate 130 acres of land in Jerusalem, Clinton vetoed it.
What is the reason for this unconditional support? It is said that presidential candidates must support Israel to increase their chance of presidency. By supporting Israel they will have the support of the Jewish minority in presidential election both in voting and campaign donation and the media which plays a very important role in public opinion. The candidates promise material and diplomatic support and none of them criticize Israel policies. First of all it is better to have some information about the American Jewish population and demography.

American Jewish population and demography
About 2.5% up to 3% of Americans are Jews, which is near to 5 to 6 million people of the American population. The American Jews do not have the same religious affiliation and they are not homogenous: their population consists of Orthodoxies, Conservatives and Reformists. So as it is clear all Jews are not considered to be extremist. But a poll in 2005 showed that 82% of American Jews supported Israel and 63% said that they support it "strongly". These strong supporters tend to support division of Jerusalem and building a security fence, and naturally the same people would support a president with high commitment to Israeli affairs.
Jewish population in America has high turnout rate in presidential election compared to non- Jew Americans and other ethnic minorities; at the same time most of the Jewish voters, near 89 percent, are inhabited in key states like: California, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida. While it is argued that the low percentage of Jews cannot be that much influential in the result of the election, but the electoral college system is in such a way that even few number of voters can have significant influence on the final result, esp. in this case where the Jewish population is concentrated in important states as it was mentioned.
Another important point is the Evangelical Christians with much greater population compared to Jews and they play an important role in the outcome of the election, this would be described later in the paper.

Jew's Campaign Donations
It is said that Jewish individuals are nearly 25% of the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans, though this number is not exact and some believe that the number for the rich Jewish Americans is more or less than this rate. Considering the Jewish population (2% to 3% of whole population), 25% is significant. It is believed that this wealthy Jews play a very important role generally in U.S. policy toward Israel and specifically in U.S. presidential election: The Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) declared that pro-Israeli groups and individuals have donated more than $ 845,000 to presidential candidates in 2008. In 2004 presidential campaign pro- Israeli interests contributed at least $ 6.1 million to federal candidates and parties. Washington post had concluded that about $ 56.8 million have been contributed by pro-Israel individual and groups since 1990.
But here a question will arise: $ 845,000 or $ 6.1 or even $ 56.8 million in 15 or 16 years is not that significant at all if we compare it with the total campaign expanse which is dozens of millions of dollars and the candidates have to raise enormous amount of money to finance their campaigns. These tables illustrate the amount of money contributed by PACs and individuals in both republican and democrat parties: (the tables are taken from Jewish virtual library which should be taken into consideration, the title is pro-Israel contribution).

One the most important problem that the researcher of this paper faced was lack of authentic evidence and information; the tables and statistics had significant discrepancy when they were compared. The reason for this discrepancy and contradictions is that these sorts of information are dependent on the writer's affiliation and tendencies and making distinction between the fake and genuine statistics and information is difficult.
As it was mentioned nearly 25% of the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans are Jews, and this rate is significant if it is compared the Jew's total population in America. It can be said that wealthy Jews are very influential in American economy and many important cooperation and companies are dominated by them. The Jews are also very influential in American media including CNN, CBS, ABC, Newsweek and Time magazine due to their wealth and power. In one of the most recent polls reported by Gallup in Feb. 2007, 58% of Americans sympathies with Israeli and 20% with Palestinians, which shows the great influence of what is propagated by media. This influence is seen in other important arenas such as academia and think thanks which shape the public opinion. So, it can be argued that American people are growing up in an atmosphere that is highly sympathetic toward Israeli and Jews; and their perception about the Jews is manipulated and biased, and any critic is silenced or charged as anti-Semitist. Jimmy Carter has written about this reluctance to criticize Israel policy:
The many controversial issues concerning Palestine and the path to peace for Israel are intensely debated among Israelis and throughout other nations — but not in the United States. For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticize any policies of the Israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices. ...

A Biblical Israel
Another important point is the emergence of the power of Evangelical Christianity or Christian Zionism in America. Evangelists feel an ideological attachment to the Jews and esp. Israel. A recent Poll found 59% of U.S. evangelicals believe Israel is fulfillment of Bible's prophecy; The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimates 85 million evangelicals believe God tells them to support Israel -- more than six times the world's Jewish population (God's Warriors, Christiane Amanpour), this great population can be crucial for the outcome of the election. They also raise money to support Jewish settlements in Israel. Evangelist Americans are becoming more powerful in recent years and many of them are active members in The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Many important political figures in America including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John McCain, and Barack Obama… had attained and address in their conferences.

It is a common belief that the wealthy Jews are playing a very important and influential role in U.S. policy but this financial helps are not unilateral: "total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $ 140 billion in 2003 dollars." (Greenbook website). Or "Israel receives about $3 billion Dollars annually and is one the largest recipient of American aids since World War II." (Mearsheimer & Walt, 2006). So the relationship between Israel and America is a symbiotic one in which the two parties gain some advantages, though there are lots of debates about who benefits more.
Many observers maintain that the Jews are playing an important role in the executive branch due to their financial contribution to presidential campaigns and their high rate of turn out in elections.
But can we argue that the only reason for American President's support for Israel is Jews financial contribution? As it was illustrated by tables and statistics the amount of money which is donated by pro-Israeli groups are not significant when it is compared with the total sum; on the other hand the sum of money contributed by these groups are not very authentic or exact, so it makes it very difficult to draw a conclusion based on the released data and statistics.
As it was mentioned 25% of the Forbes 400 lists of richest Americans are Jews, which is significant compared to Jew's 3% population. These wealthy Jews can be very influential in important companies and co operations, in mass media and academic centers. What Bill Clinton said about fighting and dying for Israel was said after his two- term presidency, or what his paster told him as a young man was long before that. Clinton, Bush and other American politicians were grown up in the society which was and is under the influence of Jews hegemony: this is the media that teaches and influences ordinary Americans, and this academia that educates the elites. And no voice can be heard when there is any critic about the Israel policy, so it is very natural that ordinary Americans or even the more educated or the elites feel more sympathy with the Israel than the Arab Palestinians. Perhaps it can be said that the Evangelical Christian or Christian Zionists are the result of these sort of teaching and educating; "There are a lot more Christian Zionists in America than Jewish Zionists," the former Democratic vice presidential candidate said. "The support of Christian Zionists today is critical to Israel's security and strength and to America's security and strength." (God's Warriors, Christiane Amanpour).
As the researcher of this paper I personally believe that the only reason for Americans support for Israel can not be just the financial power of the Jews; there is a high moral commitment and ideological attachment in American political leaders toward Israel. But it can be argued that indirectly again this is the money who talks: this is the money that can dominate the media, education and the academia and will educate the future leaders of Americas the way it wants.

Clinton, Bill. (2004). My Life. United Kingdom: Hutchinson.
Hertzberg, Arthur. (2003). The Fate of Zionism. New York: Harper Collins publisher.
Amanpour, Christiane. (2007) God's Warriors, Retrieved Feb, 10, 2008. from,
Carroll, Josef. (2004) Partisanship and Presidential Approval among Jewish Population, Retrieved Feb, 6, 2008. from,,,743503,00.html
Bard, Michell. (2007) The Israeli and Arab Lobby, Retrieved Feb, 2, 2008. from,

Shenkin, Ira. (2007) Trends in American Jewish Demography, Retrieved
Galen, Richard. (2002) Bill Clinton says he would "fight and die" for Israel, Retrieved Feb, 5, 2008. from,
La Guardia, Anthon.( 2001) Israeli, Palestinian, and the Struggle for a Promised Land. St. Martin's Press.
Marshier, John., and Walt Stephen. M. (2006). The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. Harvard University.
Mitchell G. Bard. U.S.-Israel Relations: Looking To the Year 2000. DC: AIPAC, 1991; the various news services, presidential papers.
American Jewish Committee, Near East Report U.S. Census Bureau (2000)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Malcolm X

"When a person places the proper value on freedom, there is nothing under the sun that he will not do to acquire that freedom. Whenever you hear a man saying he wants freedom, but in the next breath he is going to tell you what he won't do to get it, or what he doesn't believe in doing in order to get it, he doesn't believe in freedom. A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire . . . or preserve his freedom." Malcolm X

Malcolm X was born in 1925 in Omaha
, to Earl Little and Louise Helen. His father was an outspoken Babtist speaker, as well as a member of theUniversal Negro Improvement Assosation. Three of Earl Little's brothers died violently at the hands of white men, and one of his uncles had been lynched.
According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X
, his mother had been threatened by Ku Klux Klansmen while she was pregnant with him in December 1924. His mother recalled the Klansmen warned the family to leave Omaha, because Earl Little's activities with UNIA were "stirring up trouble". In 1931, Malcolm's father was found dead, having been run over by a streetcar in Lansing. Authorities ruled his death a suicide . Malcolm said that the black community disputed the cause of death. His family had frequently found themselves the target of harassment by the Black Legion , a White supermacist group his father accused of burning down their home in 1929, and many blacks felt that the Black Legion had killed Earl Little.
Malcolm Little graduated from junior high school
at the top of his class but dropped out soon after a teacher told him that his aspirations of being a lawyer were "no realistic goal for a nigger ". After enduring a series of foster homes, Malcolm was sent to a detention center. Then he moved to Bostonand held a variety of jobs. After some time in Harlem , he became involved in drug dealing, gambling, racketeering, robbery and steering prostitutes. When Malcolm was examined for the draft , military physicians classified him to be "mentally disqualified for military service." He explained in his autobiography that he put on a display to avoid the draft by telling the examining officer that he could not wait to "kill some crackers ." His approach worked. His classification ensured he would not be drafted. In early 1946, Malcolm returned to Boston. On January , he was arrested for burglary trying to steal a stolen watch he had left for repairs at a jewelry shop. Two days later, Malcolm was indicted for carrying firearms. On January 16 , he was charged with Grand Lanceny and Breaking and Entering. Malcolm was sentenced to eight to ten years in Massachusetts State Prison. In early 1946, Malcolm returned to Boston. On January 12 , he was arrested for burglary trying to steal a stolen watch he had left for repairs at a jewelry shop. Two days later, Malcolm was indicted for carrying firearms. On January 16 he was charged with Grand Larceny and Breaking and Entering . Malcolm was sentenced to eight to ten years in Massachusetts State Prison. While in prison, Malcolm earned the nickname of "Satan" for his vitriolic hatred towards the Bible, God and religion in general. Malcolm began reading books from the prison library. Soon he developed a voracious appetite for reading, much of it after the prison lights had been turned off, leading to astigmatism . His brother Reginald wrote letters describing his experience with the Nation of Islam , and Malcolm decided to convert.
For the remainder of his incarceration, Malcolm maintained regular contact with Elijah Muhammad
, the group's leader. On August 7, 1952, Malcolm received parole and was released from prison. After his release from prison, Malcolm went to meet Elijah Muhammad in Chicago . Soon after their meeting, he changed his surname to "X". Malcolm explained the name by saying, "The 'X' is meant to symbolize the rejection of "slave names"and the absence of an inherited African name to take its place. The 'X' is also the brand that many slaves received on their upper arm." This was the rationale that led many members of the Nation of Islam to change their surnames to X. In March 1953, the FBI opened a file on Malcolm X, after hearing that he had described himself as a Communist . Included in the file were two letters wherein Malcolm used the alias "Malachi Shabazz ". In Message to the Blackman in America , Elijah Muhammad explained the name Shabazz as belonging to descendants of an "Asian Black nation". In 1954, Malcolm was selected to lead the Nation of Islam's Temple Number Seven on Lenox Avenue in Harlem . He rapidly expanded its membership. After a local television broadcast in New York City about the Nation of Islam, Malcolm became known to a wider audience. Representatives of the print media, radio, and television frequently asked Malcolm for comments on issues. He was also sought as a spokesman by reporters from other countries.
From his adoption of the Nation of Islam in 1952 until he left the organization in 1964, Malcolm X promoted the Nation's teachings. He referred to whites as "devils" who had been created in a misguided breeding program by a black scientist
, and predicted the inevitable (and imminent) return of blacks to their natural place at the top of the social order. Malcolm has been widely considered the second most influential leader of the movement, after Elijah Muhammad. He opened additional temples, including one in Philadelphia .
In early 1963, Malcolm started collaborating with Alex Haley
on The Autobiography of Malcolm X . The book had not been finalized at the time of Malcolm's assassination in 1965. Haley completed it and published it later that year. Malcolm criticized the 1963 March on Washington , which he called "the farce on Washington". He said he didn't know why black people were excited over a demonstration "run by whites in front of a statue of a president who has been dead for a hundred years and who didn't like us when he was alive." When asked for a comment about the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963, Malcolm said that it was a case of "the chickens coming home to roost." He added that "Chickens coming home to roost never made me sad. It only made me glad." This remark prompted a widespread public outcry. The Nation of Islam publicly censured their former shining star. Although Malcolm retained his post and rank as minister, Elijah Muhammad banned him from public speaking for 90 days.
Tensions increased between Malcolm and the Nation of Islam. It was alleged that orders were given by leaders of the Nation of Islam to "destroy" Malcolm; in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, he says that as early as 1963, a member of the Seventh Temple confessed to him having received orders from the Nation of Islam to kill him.
On February 21, 1965
in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom , Malcolm had just begun delivering a speech when a disturbance broke out in the crowd of 400. A man yelled, "Get your hand outta my pocket! Don't be messin' with my pockets!" As Malcolm and his bodyguards moved to quiet the disturbance, a man rushed forward and shot Malcolm in the chest with a sawed-0ff shotgun . Two other men charged the stage and fired handguns at Malcolm, who was shot 16 times. Angry onlookers in the crowd caught and beat the assassins as they attempted to flee the ballroom. Malcolm was pronounced dead on arrival hospital .
Malcolm's body was made available for public viewing in Harlem's Unity Funeral Home from February 23
through February 26, 1965, and the number of mourners who filed past his body has been estimated between 14,000 and 30,000. Malcolm's funeral was held on February 27, 1965, at the Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, also in Harlem.